contemporary painting

"Dogs of War"        1991      by collaborative artists Ira and Corliss            78in x 96in   198cm x 244cm

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Artists' commentary on this painting

"The Dogs of War"

January, 1991

Ira:          At the time of the Iraq-war we focused on painting this picture and it kept us sane.  It helped us deal with the horror, fear, and jingoism of a maddened world.  Vicious snarling dogs vie for their share of this human banquet, only they will profit from the misery.  Money is to be made here, they howl for blood.


Corliss:          With my infant daughter, lying on a pallet at my feet, I painted the anger and helplessness a parent can feel in protecting a child from an explosive world.


Commentary from exhibition at the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California.