contemporary painting

"Hear no Evil, See no Evil, Speak no Evil"       1990     by collaborative artists Ira and Corliss       78in x 96in    198cm x 244cm

visual history of collaborative artists

contemporary painting

Artists' commentary on this painting

"Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil"

January, 1990

     Ira:        This large painting I fondly think of as my Buddhist epic.  The three monkeys are in the center of this tableau mutely bearing witness to the unfolding drama.  On the left a monk sits and contemplates the body in his lap.  While a large poised foot is suspended above a fallen Adam, an angel ponders his prone form.

    If this description does not do it for you, feel free to make up your own.  The components in our painting rarely have literal meanings, they generally represent the open ended ideas of an evolving pictorial language, that is emotionally driven, and thus can have different meanings when used in different contexts.  We read each others minds or at least imagine we do, so there is no scientific standard for interpretation, because there are no fixed points the viewer is invited to become an active participant in any paintings' interpretation.


Corliss:       The only real power we have to change the world exists in the changes we make in ourselves.


Commentary from exhibition at the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California.