contemporary painting

"Rigged Hand"       1992      by collaborative artists Ira and Corliss              78in x 96in   198cm x 244cm

visual history of collaborative artists

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Artists' commentary on this painting

"Rigged Hand"

March, 1992

Ira:          For the vast majority of humanity,  it's a rigged game.  The deck is stacked in favor of the big fish.  They wouldn't have it any other way!


Corliss:         "Rigged Hand" was started in 1989 with "Victim - Executioner" and "Hear No Evil, ".  Unlike the other paintings mentioned, "Rigged Hand"  needed time to evolve.  Our focus on the St. Sebastian figure on the left, shifted to the male and female figures in the center, the martyrdom of one did not encompass everything we wanted to say.


Commentary from exhibition at the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California.



